Gary Montel has been working at Manchester College as an Alumni Administrator for over 20 years. He graduated from Manchester with a degree in accounting and has worked previously in the health care field. He and his wife Dee are spending weekends in Columbus, OH with son and daughter-in law and 3 month premature baby daughter. She is thriving and almost weighs 2 #. He promises that he will send some more photos one of these days. Until he does, we will use this one from the Manchester College website. Now we can see why Becky Meyers Naragon once said Gary won the award for the most improved from our 1961 Class days.
Oh, you have aged so well. We could only wish that all of us were so fortunate!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Gary Montel keeps Manchester College Alumni running at full speed.
Friday, March 25, 2011
News from Lois Ulrey Jones
Lois and Fred returned from a vacation in Grand Cayman Islands which turned into a 2 week trip after Fred was diagnosed with blood clots in his leg. They remind us that for long plane trips, get up and walk around or pay the consequences. Lois shared these photos.
The child is Elena Diaz, my daughter Sarah's 3 year old daughter, taken during our 1 week ocean vacation July 2010 at Bethany Beach.
Lois and Joyce at the all school reunion at MHS in June 2010 Lois and Fred at Fred’s 50th Class Reunion last summer.
More news from the frozen tundra
Hugh has updated us on his latest from the cold north of Ontario. The temperatures must have finally been right as the sugaring looks to be in full swing.
Hugh and Carol on the left and their neighbors on the right.
Gathering the sap.
Loading the sap to take to the sugar shack featured below.
The long night’s boil to make that fabulous maple syrup.
Filtering the finished product.
Now where are the pancakes!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Max Hammonds and Cari Jo share photos
It would come as no surprise to most of our classmates that Max has led quite a varied life since he left Manchester High School in 1961. The photos they are sharing give just a little hint of all they have been involved in over the years.
This is way too serious, Max. This was the author photo used for Max’s latest book: The Indomitable Gertrude Green, a book about a nurse in China in 1936-1941.
Max and Cari Jo with a Greek food booth.
Max is still in the drama business—acting and writing and probably singing.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Is There Any Other Reason to Spend Part of the Winter in Florida?
Hugh Russell shared this photo with us this week. While we have had our share of snow in North Carolina, we have nothing like this and won’t have that much more this year. They closed the ski slopes at the top of our mountain this week. They had over 100 days of skiing this year which was a great year for them.